Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity

DEI Statement

The Center for Watershed Sciences' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) committee works to further our collective commitment to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusivity in our work environment and research and teaching practices. We meet regularly during the academic year to discuss ongoing actions in support of our goals. All CWS members and affiliates are welcome to participate; contact Christine Parisek (caparisek@ucdavis.edu) to get involved!

Committee Goals

  • Increase our collective understanding of historical and ongoing discrimination and support efforts that eliminate discrimination in our research and education.
  • Increase opportunities, access, and support for individuals from underrepresented groups in watershed education and research.
  • Help to provide an inclusive and supportive environment with room for different people, ideas, and perspectives. See: CWS Philosophy and Code of Conduct.

Associated actions

  • Collate and share resources that promote understanding, dialogue, and increased action regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion in watershed sciences.
  • Expand outreach to K-12, community college, and undergraduate students, particularly for underrepresented groups.
  • Promote inclusive language, photos, and videos in our research, teaching, and outreach activities.
  • Assess and measure progress towards achieving our goals


To achieve our goals, the DEI committee has identified three actionable categories.

Internal culture

  • Provide information on, and host, internal training and discussions related to DEI and inclusive mentorship.
  • Curate a resource list for those outside of CWS who are interested in creating a more inclusive workspace or engaging with our CWS community regarding the work we do.


  • Coordinate talks about watershed science and higher education by CWS members for students outside of UC Davis, especially in nearby underserved communities.
  • Plan community days to engage people of all ages with watershed science.
  • Promote national programs to our staff and faculty that connect scientists with underserved communities.
  • Provide updates on actions, promote diversity in messaging, and update the website to better reflect our student diversity.

Hiring practices

  • An ongoing effort to acquire a diverse applicant pool and maintain holistic review processes. Identify strengths, gaps, and needs to better understand the diversity, equity, and inclusion climate at the Center for Watershed Sciences.


  • See the drop-down menu (+) in the upper-right for a full summary of activities for each Academic Year (AY)
  • Watershed Outreach 2023 – Marsh on the move: Bringing environmental education into the classroom
  • Watershed Outreach 2022 – We hosted several outreach events through CWS during AY 2021-22. Take a moment to read our California WaterBlog commentary outlining these events! 
  • Women in Water Science Panel Discussion (recorded) –  In April 2021, we facilitated an open panel conversation about gender disparities and challenges women face in STEM. The discussion panelists talked about their lived experiences and discussed different ways in which we can all be allies to women in STEM. Please take a moment to listen!

Meeting Schedule

The DEI Committee meets throughout the academic year. Join us in person or via Zoom for any of the following meeting dates:

Feb 21, 2025, 1:00-2:00 PM Pacific Time 
Mar 21
Apr 18
May 16
Jun 13

Join Zoom Meeting: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97781641403