To measure trends in riparian composition between the two time periods and two datasets with confidence, four (4) data matrices will be constructed and analyzed. Each polygon will be negatively buffered (i.e., area reduced via perimeter reduction) to account for 0m, 1m, 5m, and 10m boundary confidence intervals and will provide an objective measure of the degree (% change) of observable change within riparian composition independent of cartographic effort. In other words, if 15% of a polygon is still coded differently for each of the four levels of confidence (0m ... 10m), there is no detectable cartographic boundary influence. On the other hand, if there is 20% change at 0m and 2% change at 1m, there is considerable boundary effect and comparative statistics should only be generated at negative buffers greater than 1m (e.g., 5m or 10m).
Subtask 2.2.1 - Change Detection
Associated Project
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