IEM Workshop Videos


Bringing together expertise from around the world and across California, the National Science Foundation is sponsoring an Integrated Modeling Workshop to explore the problems and prospects for improving the development and applicaiton of modeling for multipurpose management of changing estuarine systems.

1. Integrated Environmental Modeling: Connecting system processes: Jay Lund

Peter Goodwin - Welcome and Objectives of Workshop

Gary Bardini

Will Stelle - NOAA

Bill Cooper - NSF, INFEWS

Randy Fiorini - Delta Stewardship Council

Mark Stacey

Robert Argent - Bureau of Meterology Australia

Joseph Lee - Hong Kong University

Karel Heynert - Deltares

Richard Howitt - UC Davis

Ciaran Harman - Johns Hopkins

2. Integrated Environmental Modeling: Connecting system processes II: Josue Medellin

Scott Peckam - Colorado University Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

Rob Hartman - National Weather Service

Daniele Tonina - University of Idaho

John Bratton - Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab

3. Decision Support Systems: Organizations that bridge the sciece-policy gap: Chris Enright

Denise Lach - Oregon State University

Facilitated Panel Discussion

4. Ways forward for community system modeling and data for systems knowledge and management

Steve Monismith - Stanford University

Steve Brandt - Oregon State University

Lisa Lucas and Noah Knowles - USGS; CASCaDE

Pop up Talks by Exhibitors: Peter Goodwin

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