The transport of water and sediment from rivers to adjacent floodplains helps generate complex floodplain, wetland, and riparian ecosystems. However, riverside levees restrict lateral connectivity of water and sediment during flood pulses, making the re‐introduction of floodplain hydrogeomorphic processes through intentional levee breaching and removal an emerging floodplain restoration practice. Repeated topographic observations from levee breach sites along the lower Cosumnes River (USA) indicated that breach architecture influences floodplain and channel hydrogeomorphic processes. Where narrow breaches (<75 m) open onto graded floodplains, archetypal crevasse splays developed along a single dominant flowpath, with floodplain erosion in near‐bank areas and lobate splay deposition in distal floodplain regions.
DOI: 10.1002/rra.3159