Michael Rosenzweig

Jan. 6: Pioneer of 'reconciliation ecology' kicks off winter speakers series

Join us Monday, Jan. 6, for a public lecture and conversation on "reconciliation ecology" with Michael Rosenzweig, a University of Arizona ecologist and evolutionary biologist who has inspired, entertained and provoked professional and lay audiences alike with his ideas for saving species in a post-wild world.

His talk, "Tactics for conserving diversity: global vertebrate patterns point the way," is the first in a winter quarter seminar series, "Reconciling Ecosystem & Economy", held Mondays at 4:10 p.m. in 146 Olson. The seminar is open to the public and available for academic credit.

In Rosenzweig's own words, reconciliation ecology "is the science of inventing, establishing and maintaining new habitats to conserve species diversity in places where people live, work and play." He first articulated the concept in his 2003 book, "Win-Win Ecology: How the Earth's Species Can Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise".

Rosenzweig received the Ecological Society of America's Eminent Ecologist award in 2008. He earned his PhD at UC Davis in 1980.

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