State of the Salmonids: Status of California's Emblematic Fishes 2017 - Scientific Report Released
The University of California, Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and California Trout have officially released the State of the Salmonids scientific report. State of the Salmonids: Status of California’s Emblematic Fishes 2017, dives deeply into the status and trends facing all salmonids in California. The scientific report accompanies SOS II: Fish in Hot Water, a summary of the scientific report, which was released earlier this year.
The over-arching questions of the scientific report were: What is the status of all California salmonids, both individually and collectively? What are the major factors responsible for present status, especially declining species? How can California’s salmonids be saved from extinction? The last State of the Salmonids scientific report was released in 2008.
Click the PDF below for the full report.