7th International Symposium on River Science
We are excited to announce that the International Society for River Science (ISRS) will be holding the 7th International Symposium on River Science at the University of California, Davis from October 6-10, 2025 hosted by the Center for Watershed Sciences.
Who is ISRS?
The International Society for River Science is a global society that exists to foster and develop scholarship in disciplines that contribute to knowledge and wise stewardship of rivers and streams. The society has an international reputation as a group of scientists who are a reliable and independent source of information and advice on river science and related environmental issues. The primary outlet for ISRS is publication in their official journal, River Research and Applications.
Why should you attend?
This symposium will provide the first opportunity for ISRS to meet since 2019 and for river scientists and practitioners to reconnect and share ideas and experiences. In bringing together researchers and practitioners from across the world, the Symposium provides a unique platform for fostering collaboration, sharing ideas, and learning that can advance the field of river science and management.
The 7th International Symposium will focus will on three themes that incorporate research from across ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, social sciences, first nations science, environmental engineering, river management and policy:
• Reconnecting: rivers as integrated biophysical systems
• Restoring: river management for biodiversity outcomes
• Revitalising: relationships between people and rivers
We are currently seeking proposals for special sessions, and abstract submissions open in February, 2025. The deadline for special session proposals is Friday February 21, 2025.
Special Sessions
To propose a special session, please email isrs.symposium7@gmail.com with a title, a brief description of your proposed session (200 word max), and the name of the session coordinator.
Want to get involved?
For more information on the symposium and sponsorship opportunities please visit the website or contact the organizers directly at isrs.symposium7@gmail.com.
To register for regular updates, please email: isrs.symposium7@gmail.com
ISRS 7 Organising Committee
Sarah Yarnell - University of California, Davis USA
Melissa Parsons - University of New England, Australia
Fiona Dyer - University of Canberra, Australia
Martin Thoms - University of New England, Australia