Webinar on environmental flows in Chile and California
Please note that due to the recent change to daylight savings time in California but not Chile, the Seminar will be transmitted live between 11:00 and 13:30 hours (California time).
For those who may be interested or previously registered for this webinar (program attached), here's the zoom link to attend: https://udd.zoom.us/j/88955423748 . ID: 889 5542 3748
Please join us for a webinar on environmental flows in Chile and California, including several speakers from the Center for Watershed Sciences.
As an activity of the ANID FOVI220188 Project - "Minimum flows and usage information in surface waters: experiences and challenges in Chile and California," this event aims to present project results and outcomes to invited academics and authorities, in Chile and California.
The event will take place on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, from 11:00 to 1:30 (PT), at the Postgraduate Building of Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago (Chile) and will be transmitted as a webinar for our U. S. registered participants. To receive the link please register below.
In addition, we invite you to explore the California WaterBlog for the first and second blog of a series:
(1) "Minimum Flow Laws in California and Chile," by Camila Boettiger, Karrigan Börk, Roberto Ponce Oliva, Diego Rivera, Jay Lund, and Sarah Yarnell. (2) "A Functional Flows approach for Environmental Flows in Chile," by Sarah Yarnell, Diego Rivera Salazar, Camila Boettiger, and Jay Lund.
Register for this webinar

Program Instream Minimum Flows Experience and Lessons from California to Chile.pdf