ERA Economics

Founded in 2013, ERA Economics develops data-driven economic analysis for business decisions, policy development, and litigation support. We develop clear and concise analysis by applying economic theory and econometrics to comprehensive data, enabling our clients to make informed business and policy decisions.

Agricultural Production, Water Use and Employment

This program quantifies agricultural production, land use, water use, economic value and employment using optimization approaches such as the SWAP model ( and statistical information.

California Fourth Climate Change Assessment

To more accurately estimate the threat posed by sea level rise and intense storms to coastal infrastructure, this research will provide assess coastal flood risk accounting for changing climate patterns, erosion rates, shifting beach forms, and vertical land movement. Methods will be developed to support site-specific, project level assessments of coastal vulnerabilities to sea level rise through integration of models of projected sea level rise and climate scenarios, coupled with local and regional-scale erosion rates and vertical land motion estimates.