Dave Ayers

Photo of Dave Ayers 2018

Position Title
Ph.D. Candidate

  • Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology

I am interested in understanding how aquatic habitats structure ecological processes and influence fish distribution. I am currently investigating how hydrodynamic, biogeochemical, and diel factors affect fish movement and habitat use in tidal wetlands. To accomplish this, I employ non-invasive imaging sonars to examine how fishes respond to environmental factors across spatiotemporal scales. This approach is intended to contextualize habitat use patterns, elucidate ecological processes, and facilitate effective restoration of tidal wetland habitats for native and imperiled fishes of the Sacramento San-Joaquin River Delta.

Education and Degree(s)
  • B.S. Fishery Resources, Wildlife Resources; University of Idaho
Research Interests & Expertise
  • Fish Ecology
  • Fisheries Conservation and Management
  • Behavioral Ecology
  • Animal Bioacoustics
  • Habitat Restoration
  • Hydrodynamics