Mollie Ogaz

Profile image of Mollie Ogaz

Position Title
Emeritus Researcher
Graduate Student Alum


Mollie is currently a fisheries biologist Cramer Fish Sciences. Mollie has extensive experience in fish monitoring and surveying across the Central Valley and northern California, including PIT tagging, backpack electrofishing, and installation and operation of rotary screw traps, fyke traps, and PIT tag antenna arrays. In addition, she has experience in macroinvertebrate and zooplankton collection in freshwater rivers and streams throughout California and collecting field data from rafts and other inflatables.

At CWS, Mollie worked as an Assistant Specialist, researching juvenile Chinook salmon habitat and food availability in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and Suisun Marsh. Mollie graduated from the UC Davis Graduate Group in Ecology with a Master's of Science for her work on native fish outmigration dynamics and timing from floodplains in California's Central Valley (See Ogaz et al. 2022, Ecosphere).

Current Position:

Education and Degree(s)
  • MSc