
NSF International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program

Advanced Studies Institute:  International Approaches to Freshwater Ecosystems Sustainability and Management -  Applications are now open for a National Science Foundation International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program, in partnership with IHE Delft.

UC Water Academy & Climate Adaptation Science Academy Experiential Learning Expedition

UC Water Academy and CASA ELE - the UC Water Academy is an online undergrad and grad course currently offered this winter quarter focused on the infrastructure and rivers that move water throughout California, as well as the communities that depend on it. Although this course runs January 21 - March 14, all lectures and discussions are recorded, and the course is available for auditing or credit.

Ecogeomorphology of the Salmon River

The Ecogeomorphology course will be held this Spring quarter as both an undergraduate (GEL 136) and graduate (GEL 230) course. We'll focus on interdisciplinary study of the Salmon River watershed in Idaho. Please see the attached course announcement for more information.

High school students from Solano County are assisting researchers in discovering the answer to the enigma of "spinning salmon"

Students in Solano County are working with researchers from UC Davis and NOAA to investigate the mysterious behavior of 'spinning salmon'. A number of years ago, fisheries researchers observed juvenile salmon twisting around in a spiral corkscrew pattern. They believe that the unusual behavior is linked to thiamine — an important vitamin needed for cell function — deficiency in fish returning to inland waterways from the ocean.

Estuary News – Suisun Marsh: A Bastion for Fish

In a new blog on Maven's Notebook, Dr. John Durand, CWS Senior Researcher, describes the refuge Suisun Marsh provides for native fish species, as well as challenges, needs, and potential for partnerships at play for its management. Take a moment to learn about management of the largest contiguous brackish-water marsh on the USA West Coast at:….

Frontiers for Young Minds: Stories from the San Francisco Estuary

An exciting new collection in Frontiers for Young Minds, “Where the river meets the ocean - Stories from the San Francisco Estuary”, is steadily rolling out. Publications in Frontiers for Young Minds are especially unique, as researchers get reviews from students and their teachers prior to final article acceptance. Research articles written for Frontiers for Young Minds are written to communicate science to a young audience, and we are especially excited to see research at the Center included in this collection!

‘UC Davis LIVE’ on California’s Drought and Climate Change

California continues to weather a megadrought. On January 26th, CWS Co-Director and professof of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Jay Lund, joined a live streamed conversation with Paul Ullrich and host Soterios Johnson to discuss the California Drought and Climate Change.

OSU Seminar Series

Ann Willis, research scientist at the Center for Watershed Science at UC Davis, will be giving a virtual talk for Oregon State University's seminar series. The talk, "Managing cold water for stream ecosystems: from concepts to concrete actions" will be this Thursday January 27 at 3:30pm PST. Please register in advance to be emailed a Zoom webinar attendance link. All are welcome! 

R Resource for Water Data Science

R for Water Resources Data Science (R4WRDS) is a free resource that was recently developed by Rich Pauloo and Ryan Peek. R4WRDS is currently offering intro and intermediate courses in R stats, with case studies that use real world water resources data and models. Take a look at this fantastic resource!