An adult Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris).
An adult Green Sturgeon. CDFW photo, taken by Mike Healy.

New Synthesis Incubator: Towards an individual-based model of green sturgeon and water management in Central California

Quick Summary

  • This project seeks to develop an individual-based model of green sturgeon that will be used to simulate effects of changing climate and water management on population dynamics, habitat use, and movement.
  • Learn more about the project at

The Center for Watershed Sciences is excited to share a new funded Synthesis Incubator project to initiate development of an individual-based model of green sturgeon in central California that can be used to simulate effects of changing climate and water management on population dynamics, habitat use, and movement. Congratulations to PIs Erin Tracy, Scott Colborne, Nann Fangue, John Kelly, Sarah Yarnell, Fran Bellido-Leiva, Karrigan Börk, and Jonathan Walter!

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California has large population centers and agricultural industries that present a challenge for natural resource managers tasked with identifying and sustainably managing the water needs of native species, including the endangered green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris). There is potential for modeling tools to aid decision-making by predicting the outcomes of various management scenarios using accumulated observations of species in the systems of interest. In this project, the investigators will focus on Individual-based models (IBMs) because they stand out for their ability to synthesize knowledge of a system into intuitively structured models that provide detailed and realistic simulations of systems under a variety of environmental conditions and management strategies. While current knowledge of green sturgeon lacks the necessary fine-scale spatial and temporal resolution to aid conservation efforts, an IBM approach would allow users to simulate the fates of individual fish as they grow, move, and interact with their environment, producing the high spatial and temporal detail required by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to manage this species.

Learn more about the project here. View all funded Incubator proposals here

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