Position Title
Megan is the Assistant Communications Director for the Center for Watershed Sciences. She manages the center's new science communication outreach program called SPEAK which stands for "Scientists for Public Engagement And Knowledge." SPEAK is a workshop series that helps scientists make their research accesible, Engaging, and Influential. In addition to SPEAK, Megan also manages the watershed social media accounts, contributes to the California waterblog as well as producing her own written and video blog contributions. One of her most notable blog posts is the Yolo Bypass: the inland sea of Sacramento.
Prior to her communications role, she was a junior specialist GIS researcher for the Center. Megan brought her creativity and critical thinking to CWS, where she continues to promote science outreach via tools such as interactive web maps and the development of virtual hikes using field data visuals.
When she's not in the office, Megan is often traveling to new places and trying new cuisines. You can also find her rafting down the river as a white water rafting guide during increasinly hotter summers. She is also the Vice President of Advocacy for the for the United Nations Association (UNA-USA) Northern California Division. and spends her free time advocating on behalf of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals such as Goal 13: Climate Action.