Peter Moyle: Publications


Peer-reviewed papers, books, & book chapters

  1. Jacinto, E., Fangue, N. A., Chocherell, D. E., Kiernan, J. D., Moyle, P. B., and A. L. Rypel. 2023. Increasing stability of a native freshwater fish assemblage following flow rehabilitation. Ecological Applications 33(5): e2868.
  2. Moyle, P. B. and R. L. Leidy. 2023. Freshwater fishes: threatened species and threatened waters on a global scale. Pages 177-206 in N. MaClean, ed., The Living Planet: The Present State of the World’s Wildlife. Cambridge University Press. 
  3. Benke, A. C., Resh, V. H., Mendez, P. K., Moyle, P. B. and S. V. Gregory. 2023. Pacific Coast Rivers of the Coterminous United States. Pages 511-558 in M. D. Delong, T.D. Jardine, A.C. Benke, and  C. E. Cushing, eds. Rivers of North America, Second Edition. London: Academic Press.
  4. Stompe, D., Moyle, P. B., Oken, K. L., Hobbs, J. A., and J. R. Durand. 2023. A Spatiotemporal History of Key Pelagic Fish Species in the San Francisco Estuary, CA. Estuaries and Coasts 46: 1067-1082.
  5. Moyle, P. B., Buckmaster, N., and Y. Su. 2023. Taxonomy of the Speckled Dace Species Complex (Cypriniformes: Leuciscidae, Rhinichthys) in California, USA. Zootaxa 5249(5): 501-539.
  6. Su, Y., Moyle, P. B., Campbell, M. A., Finger, A. J., O'Rourke, S. M., Baumsteiger, J., and M. R. Miller. 2022. Population genomic analysis of the Speckled Dace species complex identifies three distinct lineages in California. Transactions of American Fisheries Society 151: 695-710 (Featured Article).
  7. Ogaz, M. H., Rypel, A. L., Lusardi, R. A., Moyle, P. B., and C. A. Jeffres. 2022. Behavioral cues enable native fishes to exit a California floodplain while leaving non-native fishes behind. Ecosphere 2022; 13: e4293.
  8. Moyle, P. B., Sturrock, A., and J. Mount. 2022. California’s Freshwater Fishes: Conservation Status, Impacts of Dams, and Vulnerability to Climate Change. Storing Water for the Environment, Technical Appendix A. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. 13 pages.
  9. Stead, J. E., Boucher, V. L., Moyle, P. B., and A. L. Rypel. 2022. Growth of Lahontan cutthroat trout from multiple sources re-introduced into Sagehen Creek, CA. PeerJ 10: e13322.
  10. Moyle, P. B. and M. A. Campbell. 2022. Cryptic species of freshwater sculpin (Cottidae, Cottus) in California, USA. Zootaxa
  11. Moyle, P. B. and D. Stompe. 2022. Non-native fishes in estuaries. In Whitfield, A., M. Elliott, S. Blaber, and K. Able, eds., Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries: a Global Perspective. Wiley.
  12. Stead J. E., V.L. Boucher, P. B. Moyle, and A. L. Rypel. 2022. Growth of Lahontan cutthroat trout from multiple sources re-introduced into Sagehen Creek, CA. PeerJ 10: e13322.
  13. Zillig, K. W., R. A. Lusardi, P. B. Moyle, and N. A. Fangue. 2021. One size does not fit all: variation in thermal eco-physiology among Pacific salmonids. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
  14. Leidy, R. A. and P. B. Moyle. 2021. Keeping up with the status of freshwater fishes: a California (USA) perspective.  Conservation Science and Practice 3(8), e474. 10 pages.
  15. Williamshen, B. O., T. A. O’Rear, M. K. Riley, P. B. Moyle, and J. R. Durand. 2021. Tidal restoration of a managed wetland in California favors non-native fishes. Restoration Ecology. Society for Ecological Restoration. 12 pages.
  16. Moyle, P. B. 2020.  Living with aliens: nonnative fishes in the American Southwest. Pages 69-78 in D.L. Propst, J.E. Williams, K.R. Bestgen, and C.W. Hoagstrom, eds., Standing Between Life and Extinction: Ethics and Ecology of Conserving Aquatic Species in North American Deserts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  17. Hanak, E., B. Gray, J. Jezdimirovic, and P. B. Moyle. 2021. Managing changes in water and land use to benefit people and nature. Pages 171-190 in Butterfield, H. S., T. R. Kelsey, and A. K. Hart, eds., Rewilding California Landscapes: a California Study Rebalancing the Needs of People and Nature. Washington DC: Island Press. 
  18. Aha, N. M., P. B. Moyle, N. A. Fangue, A. L. Rypel, and J. R. Durand. 2021. Managed wetlands can benefit juvenile salmon in a tidal marsh. Estuaries and Coasts 44: 1440–1453.
  19. Willmes, M., Jacinto, E. E., Lewis, L. S., Fichman, R. A., Bess, Z., Singer, G., Steel, A., Moyle, P. B., Rypel, A. L., Fangue, N., Glessner, J. J., Hobbs, J. A. and Chapman, E. D. 2021. Geochemical tools identify the origins of Chinook Salmon returning to a restored creek. Fisheries 46: 22-32.
  20. Börk, K. S., P. B. Moyle, J. R. Durand, Tien-Chieh Hung, and A. L. Rypel. 2020. Small populations in jeopardy: A Delta Smelt case study. 50 Environmental Law Reporter 10714.
  21. Colombano, D. D., T. B. Handley, T. O’Rear, J. R. Durand, and P. B. Moyle. 2021. Complex tidal marsh dynamics structure fish foraging patterns in the San Francisco Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts.
  22. Young, M., E. Howe, T. O’Rear, K. Berridge, and P. B. Moyle. 2020. Food web fuel differs across habitats and seasons of a tidal freshwater estuary. Estuaries and Coasts.
  23. Stompe, D. K., P. B. Moyle, A. Kruger, and J. R. Durand. 2020. Comparing and integrating fish surveys in the San Francisco Estuary: Why diverse long-term surveys are important. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 18(2). 10.15447/sfews.2020v18iss2art4.
  24. Durand, J. R., F. Bombardelli, W. E. Fleenor, Y. Henneberry, J. Herman, C. Jeffres, M. Leinfelder-Miles, J. R. Lund, R. Lusardi, A.D. Manfree, J. Medellin-Azuara, B. Milligan, and P. B. Moyle. 2020. Drought and the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, 2012–2016: environmental review and lessons. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 18 (Issue 2, article 2).
  25. Colombano, D. D., J. M.Donovan, D. E. Ayers, T. A. O’Rear, and P. B. Moyle. 2020 Tidal effects on marsh habitat use by three fishes in the San Francisco Estuary. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
  26. Colombano, D. D., A. D. Manfree, T. A. O’Rear, J. R. Durand, and P. B. Moyle. 2020. Estuarine-terrestrial habitat gradients enhance nursery function for resident and transient fishes in the San Francisco Estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series 637: 141-157.
  27. Mount, J., B. Gray, K. Bork, J. E. Cloern, F. W. Davis, T. Grantham, L. Grenier, J. Harder, Y. Kuwayama, P. B. Moyle, M. W. Schwartz, A. Whipple, and S. Yarnell. 2019. A Path Forward for California’s Freshwater Ecosystems. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. 32 pages.
  28. Aguilar-Medrano, R., J. R. Durand, V. H. Cruz-Escalona and P. B. Moyle. 2019. Fish functional groups in the San Francisco Estuary: understanding new fish assemblages in a highly altered estuarine ecosystem. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 227106331.
  29. Crozier, L. G., McClure M. M., Beechie T., Bograd S. J., Boughton D., et al. (24 co-authors). 2019. Climate vulnerability assessment for Pacific salmon and steelhead in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. PLOS ONE 14(7): e0217711.
  30. Williams, J. G., P. B. Moyle, M. Kondolf, and A. Webb. 2019. Environmental Flow Assessment: Methods and Applications. Oxford, United Kingdom.: Wiley.
  31. Williams, J. G., P. B. Moyle, and A. S. Halls. 2019. Comment on: Designing river flows to improve food security measures in the Mekong River. Science.
  32. Pinter, N., J. Lund, and P. B. Moyle. 2019. The California water model: resilience through failure. Hydrological Processes 2019: 1–5.
  33. Dahm, C., W. Kimmerer, J. Korman, P. B. Moyle, G. T. Ruggerone, and C. A. Simenstad. 2019. Developing Biological Goals for the Bay-Delta Plan: Concepts and Ideas from an Independent Scientific Advisory Panel. A final report to the Delta Science Program. Sacramento: Delta Stewardship Council.
  34. Hanak, E., A. Escriva-Bou, B. Gray, S. Green, T. Harter, J.  Jezdimirovic, J. Lund, J. Medellin-Azuara, P. B. Moyle, and N. Seavy. 2019. Water and Future of the San Joaquin Valley. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. 100 pages.
  35. Auerswald, K. , P. B. Moyle, S. P. Seibert, and J. Geist. 2019. HESS Opinions: Socio-economic and ecological trade-offs of flood management – benefits of a transdisciplinary approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23: 1035-1044.
  36. Lennox R. J., D. A. Crook, P. B.  Moyle, D. P. Struthers, and S. J. Cooke. 2019. Toward a better understanding of freshwater fish responses to an increasingly drought-stricken world. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 29: 71-92.
  37. Baumsteiger, J. and P. B. Moyle. 2019. A reappraisal of the California Roach/Hitch (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Hesperoleucus/Lavinia) species complex. Zootaxa 4543(2): 2221-240.
  38. Baumsteiger, J., M. Young, and P. B. Moyle. 2018. Using the Distinct Population Segment (DPS) concept to protect fishes with low levels of genomic differentiation: conservation of an endemic minnow (Hitch). Transactions of American Fisheries Society 148:406-416. 10.1002/tafs.10144.
  39. Halls, A. S. and P. B. Moyle. 2018. Comment on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin.” Science 361.
  40. Herbold, B., S. M. Carlson, R. Henery, R. C. Johnson, N. Mantua, N., M. McClure, P. B. Moyle, and T. Sommer. 2018. Managing for salmon resilience in California’s variable and changing climate. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 16(2).
  41. Lusardi, R. A., C. A. Jeffres, and P. B. Moyle. 2018. Stream macrophytes increase invertebrate production and fish habitat utilization in a California stream. River Research and Applications 2018: 1-10.
  42. Howard, J. K., K. A. Fesenmyer, T. E. Grantham, J. H. Viers, P. R. Ode, P. B. Moyle, S. J. Kupferburg, J. L. Furnish, A. Rehn, J. Slusark, R. D. Mazor, N. R. Santos, R. A. Peek, and A. N. Wright. 2018. A freshwater conservation blueprint for California: prioritizing watersheds for freshwater biodiversity.  Freshwater Science 37(2): 417-431.
  43. Moyle, P. B., J. R. Durand, and C. Jeffres. 2018. Making the Delta a Better Place for Native Fishes. White Paper, Orange County Coastkeeper and Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California. 63 pages.
  44. Moyle, P. B., J. A. Hobbs, and J. R. Durand. 2018. Delta smelt and the politics of water in California. Fisheries 43: 42-51.
  45. Mount, J., B. Gray, and 28 others. 2018. Managing Drought in a Changing Climate: Four Essential Reforms. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. 30 pages.
  46. Baumsteiger, J., T. A. O’Rear, J. D. Cook, A. D. Manfree, and P. B. Moyle. 2018. Factors affecting distribution and abundance of jellyfish medusae in a temperate estuary: a multi-decadal study. Biological Invasions 20: 105-119.
  47. Lusardi, R. A. and P. B. Moyle. 2017. Two-way trap and haul as a conservation strategy for anadromous salmonids. Fisheries 42: 478-487.
  48. Mount, J., B. Gray, C. Chappelle, G. Gartrell, T. Grantham, P. B. Moyle, N. Seavey, L. Szeptycki, and B. Thompson. 2017. Managing California’s Freshwater Ecosystems: Lessons from the 2012-16 Drought. Public Policy Institute of California. 52 pages.
  49. Baumsteiger, J., P. B. Moyle, A. Aguilar, S. M. O’Rourke, and M. R. Miller. 2017. Genomics clarifies taxonomic boundaries in a difficult species complex. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189417.  
  50. Opperman, J. J., P. B. Moyle, E. W. Larsen, J. L. Florsheim, and A. D. Manfree. 2017. Floodplains: Processes, Ecosystems, and Services in Temperate Regions. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  51. Moyle, P. B., R. Lusardi, P. Samuel, and J. Katz. 2017. State of the Salmonids: Status of California’s Emblematic Fishes 2017.  Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California, Davis and California Trout, San Francisco, CA.
  52. Adams, L. E., J.R. Lund, P. B. Moyle, R. M. Quiñones, J. D. Herman, and T. A. O’Rear. 2017. Environmental hedging: a theory and method for reconciling reservoir supply operations for downstream ecology and water supply. Water Resources Research 53: 7819-7831.
  53. Young, M. J., K. A. Berridge, T. O’Rear, P. B. Moyle, and J. R. Durand. 2017. Habitat partitioning by native and alien fishes and decapods in novel habitats of the upper San Francisco Estuary. Biological Invasions 19: 2693–2710.
  54. Baumsteiger, J. and P. B. Moyle. 2017. Assessing extinction. Bioscience 67: 357-366.
  55. Katz, J. V. E., C. Jeffres, J. L. Conrad, T. R. Sommer, J. Martinex, S. Brumbaugh, N. Corline, and P.B. Moyle. 2017. Floodplain farm fields provide novel rearing habitat for Chinook salmon. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0177409.
  56. Kopf, R. K.  D. G. Nimmo, P. Humphries, L. J. Baumgartner, M. Bode, N. R. Bond, A. E. Byrom, J. Cucherousset, R. P. Keller, A. J. King, H. M. McGinness, P. B. Moyle, and J. D. Olden. 2017. Confronting the risks of large-scale invasive species control. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, article 0172.
  57. Baumsteiger, J., R. E. Schroeter, T. A. O’Rear, J. Cook, and P. B. Moyle. 2017. Long-term surveys show invasive overbite clams (Potamocorbula amurensis) are spatially limited in Suisun Marsh, California. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 15(2):  San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 15(2). jmie_sfews_35764.
  58. Cloern, J. E., J. Kay, W. Kimmerer, J. Mount, P. B. Moyle, and A. Mueller-Solger. 2017. Water wasted to the sea? San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 15(2).
  59. Hobbs, J. A., P. B. Moyle, N. Fangue and R. E. Connon. 2017. Is extinction inevitable for Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt? An opinion and recommendations for recovery.  San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 15 (2).
  60. Grantham, T. E., K. A. Fesenmyer, R. Peek, E. Holmes, R. M. Quiñones, A. Bell, N. Santos, J.K. Howard, J.H. Viers, and P. B. Moyle. 2017. Missing the boat on freshwater fish conservation in California. Conservation Letters 10: 77-85
  61. Moyle, P. B., L. R. Brown, J. R. Durand, and J. A. Hobbs. 2016. Delta Smelt: life history and decline of a once-abundant species in the San Francisco Estuary. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 14(2).
  62. Lusardi, R. A., M. T. Bogan, P. B. Moyle, and R. A. Dahlgren. 2016. Environment shapes invertebrate assemblage structure differences between volcanic springfed and runoff rivers in northern California. Freshwater Science 35: 1010–1022.
  63. Durand, J., W. Fleenor, R. McElreath, M. Santos, and P. B. Moyle. 2016. Physical controls on the distribution of the submersed aquatic weed Egeria densa in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and implications for habitat. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 14(1).
  64. Duffy, W. G., P. Garone, B. J. Grewell, S. Kahara, J. Fleskes, B. Helm, P. B. Moyle, R. Records  and J. Silveira. 2016. Wetlands. Pages 669-692 in Mooney, H. and E. Zaveleta, eds. Ecosystems of California. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  65. Perales, K. M., J. Rowan, and P. B. Moyle. 2015. Evidence of landlocked Chinook Salmon populations in California. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:1101-1105.
  66. Chornesky, E. A., D. Ackerly, P. Beier, F. W. Davis, L. E. Flint, J. J. Lawler, P. B. Moyle, M. A. Moritz, M. Scoonover, K. Byrd, P. Alvarez, N. E. Heller, E. R. Micheli, and S. B. Weiss. 2015. Adapting California's ecosystems to a changing climate. BioScience 65(3):247-262.
  67. Schroeter, R.E., T. A. O’Rear, M. J. Young, and P. B. Moyle. 2015. The aquatic trophic ecology of Suisun Marsh, San Francisco Estuary, California, during autumn in a wet year. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 13(3).
  68. Lusardi, R. A., M. R. Stephens, P. B. Moyle, C. L. McGuire and J. M. Hull. 2015. Threat evolution: negative feedbacks between management action and species recovery in threatened trout (Salmonidae). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 25: 521-535.
  69. Howard J. K., K.R. Klausmeyer K. A., Fesenmyer, J. Furnish, J. Gardali, T. Grantham, J. V. E. Katz, S. Kupferberg, P. McIntyre, P. B. Moyle, P. R. Ode, R. Peek, R. M. Quiñones,  A.C. Rehn, N. Santos, S. Schoenig, L. Serpa, J. D. Shedd, J. Slusark, J. A. Viers, A. Wright, and S.A. Morrison. 2015. Patterns of freshwater species richness, endemism, and vulnerability in California. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0130710.
  70. Light, T. and P. B. Moyle. 2015. Assembly rules and novel assemblages in aquatic ecosystems. Pages 432-457 in J. Canning-Clode, editor. Biological Invasions in Changing Ecosystems: Vectors, Ecological Impacts, Management, and Predictions. De Gruyter Open, Warsaw/Berlin.
  71. Moyle, P. B., R. M. Quiñones, J. V. E. Katz, and J. Weaver. 2015. Fish Species of Special Concern in California. 3rd edition. Sacramento: California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  72. Quiñones, R. M. and P. B. Moyle. 2015. California’s freshwater fishes: status and management. Fishes in Mediterranean Environments 2015.001: 20p
  73. Hanak, E., Mount, J., Chappelle, C., Lund, J., Medellín-Azuara, J., Moyle, P. B., and Seavy, N. 2015. Renewable Resources Journal 29(4): 16-23.
  74. Grantham, T. E., J. H. Viers, and P. B. Moyle. 2014. Systematic screening of dams for environmental flow assessment and implementation. Bioscience 64: 1006-1018.
  75. Quiñones, R. M., T. Grantham, B. N. Harvey, J. D. Kiernan, M. Klasson, A. P. Wintzer and P. B. Moyle. 2014. Dam removal and anadromous salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) conservation in California. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
  76. Quiñones, R. M. and P. B. Moyle. 2014. Climate change vulnerability of freshwater fishes in the San Francisco Bay Area. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 12(3).
  77. Herbold, B., D. M. Baltz, L. Brown, R. Grossinger, W. Kimmerer, P. Lehman, P. B. Moyle, M. Nobriga, and C. A. Simenstad. 2014. The role of tidal marsh restoration in fish management in the San Francisco Estuary. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 12(1).
  78.  Moyle, P. B., A. D.  Manfree, and P. L. Fiedler. 2014. Suisun Marsh: Ecological History and Possible Futures. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  79. Quiñones R. M., M. Holyoak, M. L. Johnson, and P. B. Moyle. 2014. Potential factors affecting survival differ by run-timing and location: linear mixed-effects models of Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Klamath River, California. PLoS ONE 9(5): e98392.
  80. Quiñones, R. M., P. B. Moyle, and M. L. Johnson.  2014. Hatchery practices may result in replacement of wild salmonids: adult trends in the Klamath Basin, California. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97: 233-46.
  81. Moyle, P. B. 2014. Novel aquatic ecosystems: the new reality for streams in California and other Mediterranean climate regions. River Research and Applications 30: 1335-1344
  82. Santos, N. R., J. V. E. Katz, P. B. Moyle, and J. H. Viers. 2013. A programmable information system for management and analysis of aquatic species range data in California. Environmental Modeling & Software 53: 13-26.
  83. Bunn, D. A., P. B. Moyle, and C. K. Johnson. 2013. Maximizing the ecological contribution of conservation banks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(2):377-385.
  84. Moyle, P. B., A. D. Manfree, and P. L. Fiedler. 2013. The future of Suisun Marsh: effects of policy decisions and change. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 11(3).
  85. Baxa, D. B., A. Stover, M. Clifford, T. Kurobe, S. J. Teh, P. B. Moyle, and R.P. Hedrick. 2013. Henneguya sp. in yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus from the San Francisco Estuary. SpringerPlus 2: 420.
  86. Moyle, P. B., J. D. Kiernan, P. K. Crain, and R. M. Quiñones. 2013. Climate change vulnerability of native and alien freshwater fishes of California: a systematic assessment approach. PLoS One.
  87. Lund, J. R. and P. B. Moyle. Adaptive management and science for the Delta ecosystem. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 11(3).
  88. Hanak, E., J. Lund, J. Durand, W. Fleenor, B. Gray, J. Medellín-Azuara, J. Mount, P. B. Moyle, C. Phillips, and B. Thompson. 2013. Stress Relief: Prescriptions for a Healthier Delta Ecosystem. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California.
  89. Skiles, T. D., R. M. Yoshiyama, and P. B. Moyle. 2013. Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Salinas River, California: a new record and historical perspectives. California Fish and Game 99: 55-59.
  90. Wintzer, A. P., M. H. Meek, and P. B. Moyle. 2013. Abundance, size, and diel feeding ecology of Blackfordia virginica (Mayer, 1910), a non-native hydrozoan in the lower Napa and Petaluma Rivers, California (USA). Aquatic Invasions 8: 147–156.
  91. Thompson, L.C., M. I. Escobar, C. M. Mosser, D. R. Purkey, D. Yates, and P. B. Moyle. 2012. Water management adaptations to prevent loss of spring-run Chinook salmon in California under climate change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 138: 465-478.
  92. Liu, J., A. Tatarenkov, T. A. O’Rear, P. B. Moyle, and J. C. Avise. 2012. Molecular evidence for multiple paternity in a population of the viviparous tule perch Hysterocarpus traski. Journal of Heredity.
  93. Moyle, P. B. 2012. Writing review papers. Pages 155-162 in C. A. Jennings, T. E. Lauer, and B. Vondracek, eds., Scientific Communication for Natural Resource Professionals. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
  94. Katz, J, P. B. Moyle, R. M. Quiñones, J. Israel, and S. Purdy. 2013. Impending extinction of salmon, steelhead, and trout (Salmonidae) in California. Environmental Biology of Fishes 96:1169-1186.
  95. Moyle, P. B., J. Hobbs, and T. O'Rear. 2012. Fishes. Pages 161-173 in A. Palaima, ed. Ecology, Conservation and Restoration of Tidal Marshes: The San Francisco Estuary. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  96. Kiernan, J.D., P. B. Moyle, and P. K. Crain. 2012. Restoring native fish assemblages to a regulated California stream using the natural flow regime concept.  Ecological Applications 22: 1472-1482.
  97. Kiernan, J. D., and P. B. Moyle. 2012. Flows, droughts, and aliens: factors affecting the fish assemblage in a Sierra Nevada, California, stream. Ecological Applications 22: 1146-1161.
  98.  Moyle, P. B., W. Bennett, J. Durand, W. Fleenor, B. Gray, E. Hanak, J. Lund, J. Mount. 2012. Where the wild things aren’t: making the Delta a better place for native species. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. 53 pages.
  99. Moyle, P. B., J. D. Kiernan, P. K. Crain, and R. M. Quiñones. 2012. Projected effects of future climates on freshwater fishes of California. California Energy Commission, California Climate Change Center, White Paper CEC-500-2012-028. 53 pages.
  100. Thompson, L. C., J. L. Voss, R. E. Larsen, W. D. Tietje, R. A. Cooper, and P. B. Moyle. 2012. Southern steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), hard woody debris, and temperature in a California central coast watershed. Transactions, American Fisheries Society 141: 275-284.
  101. Börk, K. S., J. F. Krovoza, J. V. Katz, and P. B. Moyle. 2012. The rebirth of California Fish & Game Code 5937: water for fish. University of California Davis Law Review 45: 809-913.
  102. Carmona-Catot, G., P. B. Moyle, and R. E. Simmons. 2012. Long-term captive breeding does not necessarily prevent reestablishment: lessons learned from Eagle Lake Rainbow Trout. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22: 325-342.
  103. Jeffres, C. A. and P. B. Moyle. 2012. When good fish make bad decisions: coho salmon in an ecological trap. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:87-92.
  104. Wintzer, A. P., M. H. Meek, and P. B. Moyle. 2011. Life history and population dynamics of Moerisia sp., a non-native hydrozoan, in the upper San Francisco Estuary (U.S.A.). Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 94: 48-55.
  105. Wintzer, A.P., M. H. Meek, and P. B. Moyle. 2011. Trophic ecology of two non-native hydrozoan medusae in the upper San Francisco Estuary. Marine and Freshwater Research 62: 952–961
  106. Purdy, S. E., P. B. Moyle, and K. W. Tate. 2012.  Montane meadows in the Sierra Nevada: comparing terrestrial and aquatic assessment methods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 6967-6986.
  107. Stanford, J., W. Duffy, E Asarian, B. Cluer, P. Detrich, L. Eberle, S. Edmondson, S. Foott, M.  Hampton, J. Kann, K. Malone, and P. B. Moyle. 2011.  Chapter 7. Conceptual model for restoration of the Klamath River. Page 151-184 in  L. Thorsteinson, S. VanderKooi, and W. Duffy, editors.  Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Medford, Oregon, February 1–5, 2010. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1196.
  108. Moyle, P. B., J. V. E. Katz and R. M. Quiñones. 2011. Rapid decline of California’s native inland fishes: a status assessment. Biological Conservation 144: 2414-2423.
  109. Aparicio, E., G. Carmona-Catot, P. B. Moyle, and E. García-Berthou. 2011. Development and evaluation of a fish-based index to assess biological integrity of Mediterranean streams. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:324-337
  110. Hanak, E., J. Lund, A. Dinar, B. Gray, R. Howitt, J. Mount, P. B. Moyle, and B. Thompson. 2011. Managing California's Water. From Conflict to Reconciliation. Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco. 482 pages.
  111. Moyle, P. B., J. G. Williams and J. D. Kiernan. 2011. Improving environmental flow methods used in California FERC licensing.  Sacramento: California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research Program. CEC-500-2011-037. 211 pages.
  112. Crain, P. K. and P. B. Moyle. 2011. Biology, history, status, and conservation of the Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus: a review. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 9(1): 1-35.
  113. Durand, J. R., R. A. Lusardi,  D. M. Nover,  R. J. Suddeth,  G. Carmona-Catot,  C. R. Connell-Buck, S. E. Gatzke, J. V. Katz, J. F. Mount, P. B. Moyle, and J. H. Viers. 2011. Environmental heterogeneity and community structure of the Kobuk River, Alaska, in response to climate change. Ecosphere 2(4): article 44.
  114. Moyle, P. B., W. A. Bennett, W. E. Fleenor, and Jay R. Lund. 2010. Habitat variability and complexity in the upper San Francisco Estuary. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 8(3): 1-24.
  115. Wintzer, A. P., M. H. Meek, P. B. Moyle, and B. May. 2010. Ecological insights into the polyp stage of non-native hydrozoans in the San Francisco Estuary. Aquatic Ecology 45:151-161.
  116. Carmona-Catot, G., P. B. Moyle, E. Aparicio, P. K. Crain, L. C. Thompson, E. García-Berthou. 2010. Brook trout removal as a conservation tool to restore Eagle Lake rainbow trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:1315-1323.
  117. Marchetti, M. P. and P. B. Moyle. 2010. Protecting Life on Earth: an Introduction to Conservation Science. Berkeley: University of California Press. 232 pages.
  118. Lund, J., E. Hanak, W. Fleenor, W. Bennett, R. Howitt, J. Mount, and P. B. Moyle. 2010. Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Berkeley: University of California Press. 230 pages.
  119. Brown, L. R., S. D. Chase, M.G. Mesa, R. J. Beamish, and P. B. Moyle, editors. 2009. Biology, Management, and Conservation of Lampreys in North America. American Fisheries Society Symposium 72, Bethesda, MD. 321 pp
  120. Moyle, P. B., L. R. Brown, and R. Quiñones. 2009. Status and conservation of lampreys in California. Pages 279-292 in L.R. Brown et al., eds. Biology, Management, and Conservation of Lampreys in North America. American Fisheries Society Symposium 72, Bethesda MD.
  121. Hanak, E., J. Lund, A. Dinar, B. Gray, R. Howitt, J. Mount, P. B. Moyle, and B. Thompson. 2010. Myths of California water: implications and reality. West-Northwest 16(1): 3-73.
  122. Williams, P. B., E. Andrews, J. J. Opperman, S. Bozkurt, and P. B. Moyle. 2009. Quantifying activated floodplains on a lowland regulated river: its application to floodplain restoration in the Sacramento Valley. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 7(1).
  123. Grimaldo, L. F., T. Sommer, N. Van Ark, G. Joes, E. Hoilland, P. B. Moyle, B. Herbold, and P. Smith. 2009. Factors affecting fish entrainment into massive water diversions in a freshwater tidal estuary: Can fish losses be managed? North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 1253-1270.
  124. Mosepele, K., P. B. Moyle, G. S. Merron, D. Purkey, and B. Mosepele. 2009. Fish, floods, and ecosystem engineers: aquatic conservation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. BioScience 59: 53-64.
  125. Ribeiro, F., M. J. Collares-Pereira and P. B. Moyle. 2009. Non-native fish in the fresh waters of Portugal, Azores and Madeira Islands: a growing threat to aquatic biodiversity. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16: 255-264.
  126. Kondolf, G. M., P. L. Angermeier, K. Cummins, T. Dunne,  M. Healey, W. Kimmerer, P. B. Moyle, D. Murphy, D. Patten, S. Railsback, D. J. Reed, R. Spies, and R. Twiss. 2008. Projecting cumulative benefits of multiple river restoration projects: an example from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System in California. Environmental Management 42: 933-945.
  127. Moyle, P. B., J. A. Israel, and S. E. Purdy. 2008. Salmon, steelhead, and trout in California: status of an emblematic fauna. UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences. 316 pages.
  128. Eagles-Smith, C. A., T. H. Suchanek, A. E. Colwell, N. L. Anderson, and P. B. Moyle. 2008. Changes in fish diets and mercury accumulation in Clear Lake, California: effects of an invasive planktivorous fish. Ecological Applications 18(8) Supplement: A213-A226.
  129. Jeffres, C. A., J. J. Opperman, and P. B. Moyle. 2008. Ephemeral floodplain habitats provide best growth conditions for juvenile Chinook salmon in a California river. Environmental Biology of Fishes 83: 449-458.
  130. Moyle, P. B. and W. A. Bennett. 2008. The future of the Delta ecosystem and its fish. Technical Appendix D, Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California.
  131. Bennett, W. A., E. Hanak, J. R. Lund and P. B. Moyle. 2008. Expert survey on the viability of Delta fish populations. Technical Appendix E. Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California.
  132. Moyle, P. B. 2008. The future of fish in response to large-scale change in the San Francisco Estuary, California. Pages 357-374 in K. D. McLaughlin, editor. Mitigating Impacts of Natural Hazards on Fishery Ecosystems. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 64, Bethesda, Maryland.
  133. Thompson, L. C., Voss, J. L., Larsen, R. E., Tietje, W. D., Cooper, R. A., and Moyle, P. B. 2008. Role of hardwood in forming habitat for southern California steelhead. Pages 307-319 in A. Merenlender, D. McCreary, and K.L. Purcell, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California oak symposium: Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-217. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.
  134. Ribeiro, F., B. Elvira, M. J. Collares-Pereira, and P. B. Moyle. 2008. Life history traits of non-native fishes in Iberian watersheds across several invasion stages: a first approach. Biological Invasions 10:89-102.
  135. Adams, P. B., L. W. Botsford, K.W. Gobalet, R. A. Leidy, D. R. McEwan, P. B. Moyle, J. J. Smith, J. G. Williams, R. M. Yoshiyama. 2007. Coho salmon are native south of San Francisco Bay: a reexamination of North American coho salmon’s southern range limit. Fisheries 32: 441-451.[441:CSANSO]2.0.CO;2.
  136. Moyle, P. B. and J. Mount. 2007. Homogenous rivers, homogenous faunas. Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences 104: 5711-5712.
  137. Lund, J., E. Hanak, W. Fleenor, W., R. Howitt, J. Mount, and P. B. Moyle. 2007. Envisioning futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California.
  138. Moyle P. B., Crain P.K., and Whitener K. 2007. Patterns in the use of a restored California floodplain by native and alien fishes. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 5(3): 1-27.
  139. Lodge, D. M., S. L. Williams, H. J. Mac Issaac, K. R. Hayes, B. Leung, S. H. Reichard, R. N. Mack, P. B. Moyle, M. Smith, D. A. Andow, J. T. Carlton, and A. McMichael. 2006. Biological Invasions: recommendations for U.S. policy and management. Ecological Applications 16:2035-2054.[2035:birfup];2.
  140. Noss, R. F., J. F. Franklin, W. L. Baker, T. Schoennagel, and P. B. Moyle. 2006. Managing fire-prone forests in the western United States. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:481-487.[481:MFFITW]2.0.CO;2.
  141. Moyle, P. B. and M. P. Marchetti. 2006. Predicting invasion success:  freshwater fishes in California as a model. Bioscience 56:515-524.[515:PISFFI]2.0.CO;2.
  142. Merz, J. F. and P. B. Moyle. 2006. Salmon, wildlife and wine: marine derived nutrients in human-dominated ecosystems of central California. Ecological Applications 16: 999-1009.[0999:SWAWMN]2.0.CO;2.
  143. Moyle P. B. and J. A. Israel. 2005. Untested assumptions: effectiveness of screening diversions for conservation of fish populations. Fisheries 30 (5): 20-28.[20:UA]2.0.CO;2.
  144. Kimmerer, W., S. R. Avent, S. M. Bollens, F. Feyrer, L. F. Grimaldo, P. B Moyle, M. Nobriga, and T. Visintainer. 2005. Variability in length-weight relationships used to estimate biomass of estuarine fish from survey data. Transactions, American Fisheries Society 134: 481-495.
  145. Schroeter, R. E. and P. B. Moyle. 2005. Alien fishes in California’s marine environments. Pages 611-620 in: M. H. Horn, L.G. Allen, and D. Pondella, eds. Ecology of California Marine Fishes. Berkeley: UC Press.
  146. Brown, L. and P. B. Moyle. 2005. Native Fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Drainage, California: a history of decline. Pages 75-98 in J. N. Rinne, R. M. Hughes, and B. Calamusso, eds., Historical Changes in Large River Fish Assemblages of the Americas. American Fisheries Society Symposium 45, Bethesda, MD.
  147. Ribeiro, F., P. K. Crain, and P. B. Moyle. 2004. Variation in condition factor and growth in young-of-year fishes in floodplain and riverine habitats of the Cosumnes River, California. Hydrobiologia 527: 77-84.
  148. Marchetti, M. P., T. Light, P. B. Moyle, and J. H. Viers. 2004. Fish invasions in California watersheds: testing hypotheses using landscape patterns.  Ecological Applications 14: 1507-1525.
  149. Marchetti, M. P., P. B. Moyle, and R. Levine. 2004. Invasive species profiling: exploring the characteristics of exotic fishes across invasion stages in California. Freshwater Biology 49:646-661.
  150. Moyle, P. B., R. D. Baxter, T. Sommer, T. C. Foin, and S. A. Matern. 2004. Biology and population dynamics of Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) in the San Francisco Estuary: a review. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 2(2): 1-47.
  151. Hogan, Z. S., P. B. Moyle, B. May, M. J. Vander Zander, and I. G. Baird. 2004. The imperiled giants of the Mekong. American Scientist 92: 228-237.
  152. Marchetti, M. P., P. B. Moyle, and R. Levine. 2004. Alien fishes in California watersheds: characteristics of successful and failed invaders. Ecological Applications 14: 587-596.
  153. Lewis, W. A., R. M. Adams, E. B. Cowling, E. S. Helfman, C. D. D.Howard, R. J, Huggett, N. E. Langston, J. F. Mount, P. B. Moyle, T. J. Newcomb, M. L. Pace, and J. B. Ruhl.  2004. Endangered and Threatened Fishes of the Klamath River Basin: Causes of Decline and Strategies for Recovery. National Academies Press.
  154. Crain, P. K., K. Whitener, P. B. Moyle. 2004. Use of a restored central California floodplain by larvae of native and alien fishes. Pages 125-140 in F. Feyrer, L.R. Brown, R.L. Brown, and J.J. Orsi, eds., Early life history of fishes in the San Francisco Estuary and watershed. American Fisheries Society Symposium 39, Bethesda, Maryland.
  155. Moyle, P. B., P. K. Crain, K. Whitener, and J. F. Mount. 2003. Alien fishes in natural streams: fish distribution, assemblage structure, and conservation in the Cosumnes River, California, USA.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 68: 143-162.
  156. Feyrer, F., B. Herbold, S. A. Matern, and P. B. Moyle. 2003. Dietary shifts in a stressed fish assemblage: consequences of a bivalve invasion in the San Francisco Estuary. Environmental Biology of Fishes 67: 277-288.
  157. Matern, S. A., P. B. Moyle, and L. C. Pierce. 2002. Native and alien fishes in a California estuarine marsh: twenty-one years of changing assemblages. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131: 797-816.<0797:NAAFIA>2.0.CO;2.
  158. Moyle, P. B. 2002. Inland Fishes of California. Revised and Expanded. Berkeley: University of California Press. 502 pages.
  159. Chasnoff, B. and P. B. Moyle. 2001. Ethics, ecology, and economics in river management: the benefits of working together. Pages 157-176 in C. K, Davis and R. E. McGinn, eds., Navigating Rough Waters: Ethical Issues in the Water industry. Denver, Colorado, American Waterworks Association.
  160. Sweetnam, D. S., R. D. Baxter, and P. B. Moyle. 2001. True smelts. Pages 472-479 in W. S. Leet, C. M. Dewees, R. Klingbeil, and E. J. Larson, eds. California’s Living Marine Resources: a Status Rreport. Sacramento: California Department of Fish and Game.
  161. Yoshiyama, R. M., E. R. Gerstung, F. W. Fisher, and P. B. Moyle. 2001. Historical and present distribution of Chinook salmon in the Central Valley. Pages 71-176 in R. Brown, ed. Contributions to the Biology of Central Valley Salmonids.  CDFG Fish Bulletin 179.
  162. Baird, I., Z. Hogan, B. Phylaivanh, and P. B. Moyle. 2001. A communal fishery for the migratory catfish Pangasius macronema in the Mekong River. Asian Fisheries Science 14: 25-41.
  163. Sommer, T. R., W. C. Harrell, M. Nobriga, R. Brown, P. B. Moyle, W. J. Kimmerer and L. Schemel. 2001. California’s Yolo Bypass: evidence that flood control can be compatible with fish, wetlands, wildlife and agriculture. Fisheries 58(2):325-333.<0006:CYB>2.0.CO;2.
  164. Moyle, P. B., and L. H. Davis. 2000. A list of freshwater, anadromous, and euryhaline fishes of California. California Fish and Game 86:244-258.
  165. Marchetti, M. P., T. Light, J. Feliciano, T. Armstrong, Z. Hogan, and P. B. Moyle. 2001. Homogenization of California’s fish fauna through abiotic change.  Pages 269-288 in J.L. Lockwood and M.L. McKinney, editors. Biotic Homogenization. Kluwer/Academic Press, New York.
  166. Marchetti, M. P., and P. B. Moyle. 2001. Effects of flow regime on fish assemblages in a regulated California stream. Ecological Applications 11:530-539.
  167. Marchetti, M. P., and P. B. Moyle. 2000.  Spatial and temporal ecology of native and introduced fish larvae in lower Putah Creek, California. Environmental Biology of Fishes 58:75-87.
  168. Moyle, P. B. 2000. Restoring aquatic ecosystems is a matter of values. California Agriculture 54(2):16-25.
  169. Yoshiyama, R. M., E. R. Gerstung, F. W. Fisher, and P. B. Moyle. 2000. Chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley: an assessment. Fisheries 25(2):6-20.<0006:CSITCC>2.0.CO;2.
  170. Li, H. W., and P. B. Moyle.  1999.  Management of introduced fishes. Pages 345-374 in C. C. Kohler and W. A. Hurbert, eds.  Inland Fisheries Management, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Soc., Washington D.C.
  171. Parker, I. M., D. Simberloff, W. M. Lonsdale, K. Goodell, M. Wonham, P. M. Kareiva, M. H. Williamson, B. von Holle, P. B. Moyle, J. E. Byers, and L. Goldwasser.  1999.  Impact: toward a framework for understanding the ecological effects of invaders.  Biological Invasions 80:3-19.
  172. Moyle, P. B., and P. J. Randall.  1998.  Evaluating the biotic integrity of watersheds in the Sierra Nevada, California. Conservation Biology 12:1318-1326.
  173. Moyle, P. B., and J. J. Smith. 1998. Freshwater fishes of the Central California Coast. Pages 17-22 in N. Chiariello and R. F. Dasmann, eds. Symposium on biodiversity of the Central California Coast. Association for the Golden Gate Biosphere Reserve, San Francisco.
  174. Moyle, P. B., and M. P. Marchetti. 1999. Applications of indices of biotic integrity to California streams and watersheds. Pages 367-380 in T. P. Simon and R. Hughes, editors. Assessing the sustainability and biological integrity of water resources using fish communities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl.
  175. Moyle, P. B. 1999. Effects of invading species on freshwater and estuarine ecosystems. Pages 177-191 in O.T.Sandlund, P.J. Schei & A. Viken, eds.  Invasive species and biodiversity management. Kluwer, Leiden.
  176. Yoshiyama, R. M., F. W. Fisher, and P. B. Moyle.  1998.  Historical abundance and decline of Chinook salmon in the Central Valley region of California. North  American Journal of Fisheries Management 18: 487-521.
  177. Moyle, P. B., M. P. Marchetti, J. Baldrige, and T. L. Taylor. 1998.  Fish health and diversity: justifying flows for a California stream.  Fisheries (Bethesda) 23(7):6-15.
  178. Healey, M., W. Kimmerer, G. M. Kondolf, R. Meade, P. B. Moyle, and R. Twiss. 1998.  Strategic plan for the Ecosystem Restoration Program. CALFED Bay-Delta Program, Sacramento. 252 pp.
  179. Trenham, P. C., H. B. Shaffer, and P. B. Moyle.  1998.  Biochemical Identification and assessment of population subdivision in morphologically similar native and invading smelt species (Hypomesus) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, California. Transactions, American Fisheries Society 127: 417-424.
  180. Leidy, R. A., and P. B. Moyle.  1997.  Conservation status of the world’s fish fauna: an overview. Pp.187-227 In P. A. Fiedler and P. M. Karieva, eds. Conservation biology for the coming decade.  Chapman and Hall, N.Y.
  181. Moyle, P. B., and R. M. Yoshiyama.  1997. The role of adaptive management in restoring Chinook salmon to the Tuolumne River. Pages 557-562 in S. Y. Wang and T. Carstens, eds. Environmental and coastal hydraulics: protecting the aquatic habitat. NewYork: ASCE.
  182. Brown, L. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1997.  Invading species in the Eel River, California: successes, failures, and relationships with resident species. Environmental Biology of Fishes 49: 271-291.
  183. Moyle, P. B., R. Pine, L. R. Brown, C. H. Hanson, B. Herbold, K. M. Lentz, L. Meng, J. J. Smith, D. A. Sweetnam, and L. Winternitz.  1996.  Recovery plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta native fishes. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon. 193 pp.
  184. Bennett, W.A., and P. B. Moyle. 1996. Where have all the fishes gone: interactive factors producing fish declines in the Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary. Pages 519-542 in J. T. Hollibaugh, ed. San Francisco Bay: The Ecosystem. San Francisco: AAAS, Pacific Division.
  185. Moyle, P. B., and T. Light.  1996.  Biological invasions of fresh water: empirical rules and assembly theory. Biological Conservation 78:149-162.
  186. Moyle, P. B., P. J. Randall, and R. M. Yoshiyama. 1996.  Potential aquatic diversity management areas of the Sierra Nevada. Pages 409-478 in Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, Vol. III, assessments, commissioned reports, and background information. Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.
  187. Yoshiyama, R. M., E. R. Gerstung, F. W. Fisher, and P. B. Moyle.  1996. Historical and present distribution of Chinook salmon in the Central Valley drainage of California Pages 309-362 in Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, Vol. III, assessments, commissioned reports, and background information. Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.
  188. Moyle, P. B., R. Kattlemann,  R. Zomer, and P. J. Randall.  1996. Management of riparian areas in the Sierra Pages 1-37 in Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, Vol. III, assessments, commissioned reports, and background information. Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.
  189. Moyle, P. B.  1996. Potential aquatic diversity management areas. Pages 1493-1503 in Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress , Vol. II, assessments, commissioned reports, and background information. Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.
  190. Moyle, P. B., and P. J. Randall. 1996. Biotic integrity of watersheds. Pages 975-985 in Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, Vol. II, assessments, commissioned reports, and background information. Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.
  191. Moyle, P. B., R. M. Yoshiyama, and  R. A. Knapp. 1996. Status of fish and fisheries. Pages 953-973 in Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress. Vol. II, assessments, commissioned reports, and background information. Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.
  192. Moyle, P. B.  1996.  Status of aquatic habitat types. Pages 945-952 in Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, Vol. II, assessments, commissioned reports, and background information. Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.
  193. Moyle, P. B., and T. Light.  1996.  Fish invasions in California: do abiotic factors determine success? Ecology 77:1666-1670.
  194. Courtenay, W. R., Jr. and P. B. Moyle. 1996. Biodiversity, fishes, and the introduction paradigm. Pages 239-252 in R. C. Szaro and D. W. Johnston, eds. Biodiversity in managed landscapes. Oxford University Press: N.Y.
  195. Moyle, P. B. and J. J. Cech, Jr.  1996.  Fishes: an Introduction to Ichthyology. 3rd Edition. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, N. J. 590 pages. (5th edition, 2004).
  196. Meng, L., and P. B. Moyle.  1995.  Status of splittail in the Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary. Transactions of American Fisheries Society 124: 538-549.
  197. Stanley, S. E., P. B. Moyle, and H. B. Shaffer.  1995.  Allozyme analysis of delta smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus and longfin smelt, Spirinchus thalichthys, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary, California. Copeia 1995: 390-396.
  198. Marchetti, M. P., and P. B. Moyle.  1995.  Conflicting values complicate stream protection. California Agriculture 49(6): 73-78.
  199. Moyle, P. B.   1995.  The decline of anadromous fishes in California. Conservation Biology 8: 869-870.
  200. Moyle, P. B., R. M. Yoshiyama, J. E. Williams, and E. D. Wikramanayake. 1995. Fish Species of Special Concern of California.  California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California.  2nd ed.  272 pp.
  201. Brown, L. R., S. A. Matern, and P. B. Moyle. 1995.  Comparative ecology of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in the Eel River, California. Environmental Biology of Fishes 42: 329-343.
  202. Moyle, P. B. and P. R. Moyle. 1995. Endangered fishes and economics: intergenerational obligations.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 42: 29-37.
  203. Moyle, P. B.  1995.  Conservation of native freshwater fishes in the Mediterranean type climate of California, USA: a review. Biological Conservation 72: 271-280.
  204. Meng, L., P. B. Moyle, and B. Herbold.  1994.  Changes in abundance and distribution of native and introduced fishes of Suisun Marsh.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123: 498-507.
  205. Brown, L. R., P. B. Moyle, and R. M. Yoshiyama.  1994.  Status of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in California.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 14: 237-261.
  206. Moyle, P. B.  1994.  Biodiversity, biomonitoring, and the structure of stream fish communities. Pages 171-186 in S. Loeb and A. Spacie, eds., Biological Monitoring of Freshwater Ecosystems.  Lewis Publishing, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida.
  207. Moyle, P. B., and R. M. Yoshiyama.  1994.  Protection of aquatic biodiversity in California: A five-tiered approach.  Fisheries 19:6-18.
  208. Brown, L. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1993.  Distribution, ecology, and status of the fishes of the San Joaquin River drainage, California.  California Fish and Game 79: 96-113.
  209. Li, H. W., and P. B. Moyle.  1993.  Management of introduced fishes.  Pages 282-307 in C. Kohler and W. Hubert, eds., Inland Fisheries Management in North America.  American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
  210. Baltz, D. M., and P. B. Moyle.  1993.  Invasion resistance to introduced species by a native assemblage of California stream fishes.  Ecological Applications 3: 246-255.
  211. Moyle, P. B.  1993.  Fish: An Enthusiast's Guide.  University of California Press, Berkeley.  272 pages.
  212. Moyle, P. B., and R. M. Yoshiyama.  1992.  Fishes, aquatic diversity management areas and endangered species: A plan to protect California's native aquatic biota.  California Policy Seminar, Berkeley.  222 pages.
  213. Brown, L. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1992.  Native fishes of the San Joaquin drainage: status of a remnant fauna and its habitats.  Pages 89-98 in D. L. Williams, S. Byrne, and T. A. Rado, eds., Endangered and Sensitive Species of the San Joaquin Valley, California.  California Energy Commission, Sacramento, California.
  214. Moyle, P. B.  1992.   True smelts.  Pp. 75-78.  In W. S. Leet, C. M. Dewees, and C. W. Havern (Editors), California Living Marine Resources and Their Utilization.  UC Sea Grant Extension Publication UCSGEP-92-12.
  215. Courtenay, W. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1992.  Crimes against biodiversity: The lasting legacy of fish introductions.  Transactions of the 57th North American Wildlife and Natural Resource Conference: 365-372.
  216. Mathias, M. E., and P. B. Moyle.  1992.  Wetland and aquatic habitats.  Agricultural Ecosystems and Environments 42:165-176.
  217. Strange, E. M., P. B. Moyle, and T. C. Foin.  1992.  Interactions between stochastic and deterministic processes in stream fish community assembly.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 36: 1-15.
  218. Brown, L. R., P. B. Moyle, W. A. Bennett, B. D. Quelvog.  1992.  Implications of morphological variation among populations of California roach Lavinia symmetricus (Cyprinidae) for conservation policy.  Biological Conservation 62: 1-10.
  219. Kershner, J. L., W. M. Snider, D. M. Turner, and P. B. Moyle.  1992. Distribution and sequencing of mesohabitats: Are there differences at the reach scale?  Rivers 3:179-190.
  220. Herbold, B., A. D. Jassby, and P. B.  Moyle.  1992.  Status and trends report on aquatic resources in the San Francisco Estuary.  San Francisco Estuary Project.  257 pp.
  221. Moyle, P. B., B. Herbold, D. E. Stevens, and L. W. Miller.  1992.  Life history and status of Delta smelt in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, California.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 121: 67-77.
  222. Moyle, P. B., and R. A. Leidy.  1992.  Loss of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems: Evidence from fish faunas.  Pages 128-169 in In P. L. Fiedler and S. A. Jain (editors), Conservation Biology: The Theory and Practice of Nature Conservation, Preservation, and Management.  Chapman and Hall, New York.
  223. Campbell, E. A., and P. B. Moyle.  1991.  Historical and recent population sizes of spring-run Chinook salmon in California.  Pages 155-216 in T. Hassler (editor), Proceedings, Northeast Pacific Chinook and Coho Salmon Workshop.  Arcata, California.  American Fisheries Society.
  224. Moyle, P. B., and J. Ellison.  1991.  A conservation-oriented classification system for California's inland waters.  California Fish and Game 77: 161-180.
  225. Moyle, P. B., T. Kennedy, D. Kuda, L. Martin, and G. Grant.  1991.  Fishes of Bly Tunnel, Lassen County, California.  Great Basin Naturalist 51: 267-270.
  226. Moyle, P. B., and G. M. Sato.  1991.  On the design of preserves to protect native fishes.  Pages 55-169 in W. L. Minckley and J. E. Deacon, eds., Battle Against Extinction: Native Fish Management in the American West.  University of Arizona Press.
  227. Brown, L. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1991.  Changes in habitat and microhabitat partitioning within an assemblage of stream fishes in response to predation by Sacramento squawfish (Ptychocheilus grandis).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43 :849-856.
  228. Baltz, D. M., B. Vondracek, L. R. Brown, and P. B. Moyle.  1991.  Seasonal changes in microhabitat selection by rainbow trout in a small stream.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120: 166-176.
  229. Moyle, P. B., and M. A. Moyle.  1991.  Introduction to fish imagery in art.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 31: 5-23.
  230. Moyle, P. B., and J. E. Williams.  1990.  Biodiversity loss in the temperate zone: decline of the native fish fauna of California.  Conservation Biology 4(3): 275-284.
  231. Schreck, C. B., and P. B. Moyle (editors).  1990.  Methods for Fish Biology.  American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.  684 pages.
  232. Moyle, P. B., J. E. Williams, and E. D. Wikramanayake.  1989.  Fish species of special concern of California.  California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California.  222 pages.
  233. Herbold, B., and P. B. Moyle.  1989.  Ecology of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: A community profile.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 85(7.22) September.  106 pages.
  234. Wikramanayake, E. D., and P. B. Moyle.  1989.   Ecological structure of tropical fish assemblages in wet-zone streams of Sri Lanka.  Journal of Zoology, London, England 218: 503-526.
  235. Miller, D. L., P. M. Leonard, R. M. Hughes, J. R. Karr, P. B. Moyle, L. H. Schrader, B. A. Thompson, R. A. Daniels, K. D. Fausch, G. A. Fitzhugh, J. R. Gammon, D. B. Halliwell, P. L. Angermeier, and D. J. Orth.  1988.  Regional Applications of an Index of Biotic Integrity for Use in Water Resource Management.  Fisheries (Bethesda) 13 (5):12-20.
  236. Power, M. E., R. J. Stout, C. E. Cushing, P. P. Harper, F. R. Hauer, W. J. Mathews, P. B. Moyle, B. Statzner, and I. De Bagen.  1988.  Biotic and abiotic controls in river and stream communities.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 7:456-479
  237. Vondracek, B., D. M. Baltz, L. R. Brown, and P. B. Moyle.  1989.  Spatial, seasonal, and diel distribution of fishes in a California reservoir dominated by native fishes.  Fisheries Research 7:31-53.
  238. Baltz, D. M., B. Vondracek, L. R. Brown, and P. B. Moyle.  1987.  Influence of temperature on microhabitat choice by fishes in a California stream.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 116: 12-20.
  239. Moyle, P. B., and B. Herbold.  1987.  Life-history patterns and community structure in stream fishes of western North America: Comparisons with eastern North America and Europe.  Pages 25-32 in W. J. Matthews and D. C. Heins, eds., Community and Evolutionary Ecology of North American Stream Fishes.  University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma.
  240. Herbold, B., and P. B. Moyle.  1986.  Introduced species and vacant niches.  American Naturalist 128: 751-760.
  241. Moyle, P. B., H. W. Li, and B. A. Barton.  1986.  The Frankenstein effect: impact of introduced fishes on native fishes in North America.  Pages 415-426 in R. H. Stroud, ed., Fish Culture in Fisheries Management.  American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
  242. Jett, S., and P. B. Moyle.  1986.  The exotic origins of fishes depicted on prehistoric Mimbres pottery from New Mexico.  American Antiquity 51: 688-720.
  243. Moyle, P. B.  1986.  Fish introductions into North America: Patterns and ecological impact.  Pages 27-43 in H. A. Mooney and J. A. Drake, eds., Ecology of Biological Invasions of North America and Hawaii.  Springer-Verlag, New York.
  244. Moyle, P. B., R. A. Daniels, B. Herbold, and D. M. Baltz.  1986.  Patterns in distribution and abundance of a non-coevolved assemblage of estuarine fishes in California.  Fishery Bulletin 84: 105-117.
  245. Moyle, P. B., and D. M. Baltz.  1985.  Microhabitat use by an assemblage of California stream fishes: Developing criteria for instream flow determinations.  Transactions American Fisheries Society 114: 695-704.
  246. Grossman, G. D., M. C. Freeman, P. B. Moyle, and J. O. Whitaker. 1985. Stochasticity and assemblage organization in an Indiana stream fish assemblage.  American Naturalist 126: 275-285.
  247. Moyle, P. B., and B. Vondracek.  1985.  Persistence and structure of the fish assemblage in a small California stream.  Ecology 66: 1-13.
  248. Daniels, R. A., and P. B. Moyle.  1984. Geographic variation and a taxonomic reappraisal of the marbled sculpin, Cottus klamathensis.  Copeia 1984: 949-959.
  249. Moyle, P. B., and F. R. Senanayake.  1984.  Resource partitioning among the fishes of rainforest streams in Sri Lanka.  Journal of Zoology, London, England 202: 195-223.
  250. Baltz, D. M., and P. B. Moyle.  1984.  Segregation by species and size classes of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, and Sacramento sucker, Catostomus occidentalis, in three California streams.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 10: 101-110.
  251. Moyle, P. B.  1983.  Use of intermittent streams by California fishes.  Pages 61-65 in S. Jain and P. B. Moyle, eds., Proceedings of Second Symposium on Vernal Pools and Intermittent Streams.  Institute of Ecology Publication 28, University of California, Davis, California.
  252. Cech, J. J., Jr., and P. B. Moyle.  1983.  Alternative fish species as predators for rice field mosquitos in California.  Bulletin of the Society of Vector Ecologists 8: 107-110.
  253. Moyle, P. B., B. Herbold, and R. A. Daniels.  1983.  Resource partitioning in a non-coevolved assemblage of estuarine fishes.  Pages 178-184 in G. M. Caillet and C. A. Simenstad, eds., Proceedings of the Third Pacific Workshop on Fish Food Habit Studies.  Washington Sea Grant.
  254. Moyle, P. B., and D. M. Baltz.  1983.  Fish populations of Eleanor Reservoir, Yosemite National Park.  Pages 183-186 in C. Van Riper, L. D. Whittig, and M. L. Murphey, eds., Proceedings of the First Biennial Conference on Research in California's National Parks.
  255. Daniels, R. A., and P. B. Moyle.  1983.  Life history of splittail (Cyprinidae: Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Fishery Bulletin 81: 647-654.
  256. Moyle, P. B., B. Vondracek, and G. D. Grossman.  1983.  Responses of fish populations in the North Fork of the Feather River, California, to treatments with fish toxicants.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 3: 48-60.
  257. Baltz, D. M., and P. B. Moyle.  1982.  The influence of riparian vegetation on stream fish communities of California.  Pages 183-187 in P. Warner and H. Hendrix, eds., California Riparian Systems.  University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
  258. Baltz, D. M., P. B. Moyle, and N. J. Knight.  1982.  Competitive interactions between benthic stream fishes, riffle sculpin, Cottus gulosus, and speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 39: 1502-1511.
  259. Grossman, G. D., P. B. Moyle, and J. O. Whitaker, Jr.  1982.  Stochasticity in structural and functional characteristics of an Indiana stream fish assemblage: A test of community theory.  American Naturalist 120: 423-454.
  260. Baltz, D. M., and P. B. Moyle.  1982.  Life history characteristics of tule perch (Hysterocarpus traski) populations in contrasting environments. Environmental Biology of Fishes 7: 229-242.
  261. Moyle, P. B., and J. J. Cech, Jr.  1982.   Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, (2nd Edition, 1988).  Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.  593 pages.
  262. Moyle, P. B., J. J. Smith, R. A. Daniels, and D. M. Baltz.  1982.  A Review.  Pages 255-256 in P. B. Moyle, ed., Distribution and Ecology of Stream Fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Drainage System, California.  Publications in Zoology 115, University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
  263. Taylor, T. L., P. B. Moyle, and D. G. Price.  1982.  Fishes of the Clear Lake Basin.   Pages 171-223 in P. B. Moyle, ed., Distribution and Ecology of Stream Fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Drainage System, California.  Publications in Zoology 115, University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
  264. Moyle, P. B., and R. A. Daniels.  1982.  Fishes of the Pit River System, McCloud River System, and Surprise Valley Region.  Pages 1-82 in P. B. Moyle, ed., Distribution and Ecology of Stream Fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Drainage System, California.  Publications in Zoology 115, University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
  265. Senanayake, F. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1982.  Conservation of freshwater fishes of Sri Lanka.  Biological Conservation 22: 181-195.
  266. Baltz, D. M., and P. B. Moyle.  1981.  Morphometric analysis of tule perch (Hysterocarpus traski) populations in three isolated drainages.  Copeia 1981: 305-311.
  267. Li, H. W. and P. B. Moyle.  1981.  Ecological analysis of species introductions into aquatic systems.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 110: 772-782.
  268. Brown, L. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1981.  The impact of squawfish on salmonid populations: A review.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 1: 104-111.
  269. Moyle, P. B., and M. Massingill.  1981.  Hybridization between hitch, Lavinia exilicauda, and Sacramento blackfish, Orthodon microlepidotus, in San Luis Reservoir, California.  California Fish and Game 67: 196-198.
  270. Moyle, P. B.  1980.  Sixteen species accounts of California endemic fishes.  Pages 123, 164, 199, 200, 209, 345, 346, 347, 384, 385, 391, 582, 777, 803, 815, 819 in Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes, D. S. Lee, et al., eds.  North Carolina Museum of Natural History, Raleigh, North Carolina.
  271. Geary, R. E., and P. B. Moyle.  1980.  Aspects of the ecology of the hitch, Lavinia exilicauda (Cyprinidae), a persistent native cyprinid in Clear Lake, California.  The Southwestern Naturalist 25: 385-390.
  272. Grossman, G. D., R. Coffin, and P. B. Moyle.  1980.  Feeding ecology of the bay goby (Pisces: Gobiidae): Effects on behavioral, ontogenetic, and temporal variation on diet.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 44: 47-59.
  273. Moyle, P. B., R. E. Andrews, R. M. Jenkins, R. L. Noble, S. B. Saila, and W. O. Wick.  1979.  Research needs in fisheries.  Transactions of the 44th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference: 176-187.
  274. Moyle, P. B., and H. W. Li.  1979.  Community ecology and predator-prey relationships in warmwater streams.  Pages 171-180 in H. W. Clepper, ed., Predator-Prey Systems in Fisheries Management.  Sport Fishing Institute, Washington D.C.
  275. Sturgess, J. A., and P. B. Moyle.  1978.  Biology of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), brown trout (S. trutta), and interior Dolly Varden (Salvelinus confluentus) in the McCloud River, California, in relation to management.  Cal-Neva Wildlife 1978: 239-250.
  276. Broadway, J. E., and P. B. Moyle.  1978.  Aspects of the ecology of the prickly sculpin, Cottus asper Richardson, a persistent native species in Clear Lake, Lake County, California.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 3: 337-343.
  277. Daniels, R. A., and P. B. Moyle.  1978.  Biology, distribution, and status of the rough sculpin, Cottus asperrimus, in the Pit River drainage, northeastern California.  Copeia 1978: 673-679.
  278. Moyle, P. B., and N. J. Holzhauser.  1978.   Effects of the introduction of Mississippi silverside (Menidia audens) and Florida largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides floridanus) on the feeding habits of young-of-year largemouth bass in Clear Lake, California.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 107: 575-582.
  279. Tippetts, W. E., and P. B. Moyle.  1978.  Epibenthic feeding by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in the McCloud River, California.  Journal of Animal Ecology 47: 549-559.
  280. Moyle, P. B.  1977.  In defense of sculpins.  Fisheries 2(1): 20-23.
  281. Alley, D. W., D. H. Dettman, H. W. Li, and P. B. Moyle.  1977.  Habitats of native fishes in the Sacramento River basin.  Pages 87-94 in A. Sands, ed. Riparian forests of California, their ecology and conservation.  Institute of Ecology Publication #15, University of California.
  282. Li, H. W., and P. B. Moyle.  1976.  Feeding ecology of the Pit sculpin, Cottus pitensis, in Ash Creek, California.  Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences 75: 111-118.  (Carl Hubbs Honorary Issue.)
  283. Li, H. W., P. B. Moyle, and R. L. Garrett.  1976.  Effects of the introduction of the Mississippi silverside (Menidia audens) on the growth of black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) and white crappie (P. annularis) in Clear Lake, California.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 105: 404-408.
  284. Moyle, P. B.  1976.  Some effects of channelization on the fishes and invertebrates of Rush Creek, Modoc County, California.  California Fish and Game 62: 179-186.
  285. Moyle, P. B.  1976.  Inland Fishes of California.  University of California Press, Berkeley, California.  405 pages.
  286. Moyle, P. B.  1976.  Fish introductions in California: history and impact on native fishes.  Biological Conservation 9: 101-118.
  287. Prine, J. E., G. E. Lawley, and P. B. Moyle.  1975.  A multidisciplinary approach to vector ecology at Clear Lake, California.  Bulletin of the Society of Vector Ecologists 2: 21-31.
  288. Adams, J. R., and P. B. Moyle.  1975.  Some effects of impoundments on populations of stream fish.  Pages 31-40 in P. B. Moyle and D. L. Koch eds., Symposium on Trout/Nongame Fish Relationships in Streams.  University of Nevada Center for Water Resources Miscellaneous Publication 17: 31-40.
  289. Moyle, P. B.  1975.  California trout streams:  The way they were, probably.  Pages 9-19 in P. B. Moyle and D. L. Koch, eds., Symposium on Trout/Nongame Fish Relationships in Streams.  University of Nevada Center for Water Resources Miscellaneous Publication 17: 9-19.
  290. Moyle, P. B., and A. Marciochi.  1975.  Biology of the Modoc sucker, Catostomus microps, in northeastern California.  Copeia 1975: 556-560.
  291. Moyle, P. B.  1974.  Status of the Modoc sucker (Catostomus microps, Pisces: Catostomidae).  Cal-Neva Wildlife 1974: 35-38.
  292. Moyle, P. B., F. Fisher, and H. W. Li.  1974.  Mississippi silversides and logperch in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system.  California Fish and Game 60: 144-149.
  293. Moyle, P. B., and R. Nichols.  1974.  Decline of the native fish fauna of the Sierra Nevada foothills, central California.  The American Midland Naturalist 92(1): 72-83.
  294. Moyle, P. B., S. B. Mathews, and N. Bonderson.  1974.  Feeding habits of the Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 103: 399-402.
  295. Moyle, P. B.  1973.  Recent changes in the fish fauna of the San Joaquin River system.  Cal-Neva Wildlife 1973: 60-63.
  296. Moyle, P. B.  1973.  Ecological segregation among three species of minnows (Cyprinidae) in a Minnesota lake.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 102: 794-805.
  297. Moyle, P. B., and R. Nichols.  1973.   Ecology of some native and introduced fishes of the Sierra Nevada foothills in central California.  Copeia 1973(3): 478-490.
  298. Moyle, P. B.  1973.  Effects of introduced bullfrogs, Rana catesbeiana, on the native frogs of the San Joaquin Valley, California.  Copeia 1973(1): 18-22.
  299. Kottcamp, G., and P. B. Moyle.  1972.  Use of disposable beverage cans by fish in the San Joaquin Valley.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 101: 566.
  300. Moyle, P. B.  1970. Occurrence of king (Chinook) salmon in the Kings River, Fresno County.  California Fish and Game 56: 314-315.
  301. Moyle, P. B., and J. Bacon.  1969.  Distribution and abundance of molluscs in a freshwater environment.  Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science 35: 82-85.
  302. Moyle, P. B.  1969.  Comparative behavior of young brook trout of domestic and wild origin.  The Progressive Fish-Culturist 31: 51-56.
  303. Moyle, P. B.  1966.  Feeding behavior of the glaucous-winged gull on an Alaskan salmon stream.  Wilson Bulletin 78: 175-190.
  304. Moyle, P. B.  1964.  Populations of peritrichs on the pond snail, Physa gyrina Say.  Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science 31: 125-130.